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Applying for a place in the Reception Class

If your child’s date of birth falls between 1st September 2018 and 31st August 2019, you need to apply now for a Reception place for September 2023.

Applications for Reception Class will need to be made online; no paper forms will be available. Applications should be made through your borough's eAdmissions website. 

If you do not have access to the internet at home, you can apply online at any One Stop Shop or in any of the local libraries.

We appreciate that this arrangement may prove difficult for some families. Please feel free to contact the school office if you need help or assistance.

Please download our Admissions Policy below for full details of our admissions criteria.

Please download and complete a supplementary form below if you would like to apply for a Foundation Place. Alternatively, visit the school office for a paper copy. Please ensure you meet the admissions criteria before you complete this form.

The deadline for applications through eAdmissions is 15th January 2023. The date for any appeal hearing is to be confirmed.

For dates of prospective parents' tours, please see our events calendar:

We welcome visits from prospective parents; please call to speak to a member of staff from the admin team on 020 7274 4847 for an appointment or pop into the school for an application form.

Click here for Admissions Policy 2022/2023

Click here for the Supplementary Form

Click here for the Supplementary Form 

Click here for Admissions Timetable

 When do I apply for my child to start school?
Was your child born between? The year your child will start the Reception Class Application Process
01/09/2018- 31/08/2019 Start Reception in September 2023

Apply through www.eadmissions.org.uk from September 2022.  The application deadline is mid-January 2023.

01/09/2019 - 31/08/2020 Start Reception in September 2024

Apply through www.eadmissions.org.uk from September 2023.  The application deadline is mid-January 2024.

01/09/2020 - 31/08/2021 Start Reception in September 2025

Apply through www.eadmissions.org.uk from September 2024.  The application deadline is mid-January 2025.

01/09/2021 - 31/08/2022 Start Reception in September 2026

Apply through www.eadmissions.org.uk from September 2025.  The application deadline is mid-January 2026.

In-Year Admissions

In-year admissions apply to pupils born between 1st September 2010 and 31st August 2017 (Reception to Year 6).  Applications are to be made directly to the school.

The criteria for allocation of available places are the same as for admissions to Reception classes. (see Admissions Policy)

Application forms are available  from the school office

You will be informed of the outcome of your application within 20 working days of the school receiving it. Successful applicants will be sent an offer letter, and those who are unsuccessful will be informed of their right to appeal against the refusal of a place.

Unsuccessful applicants for any year group may choose to stay on our waiting list if a place becomes available later.

Click here https://beta.lambeth.gov.uk/schools-and-education/school-admissions-and-appeals/year-school-admissions/apply-primary-year 

Click here for the In-Year Application for Admission 2022-23


School Admissions and Appeals

Further information about the Lambeth process for School admissions and appeals can be found be accessing the link below:

Lambeth School Admissions and Appeals Information