Pupil Voice at St John's ![](/i/main-pvvw.png)
The term ‘pupil voice’ refers to ways of listening to the views of pupils and/or involving them in decision-making.
Why involve children and young people?
St John's Angell Town is committed to the promotion and protection of children’s rights, in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. It believes that children and young people should have opportunities to express their opinion in matters that affect their lives.
Some of the benefits of involving children and young people in decision making are:
It encourages pupils to become active participants in a democratic society - by holding youth parliaments and school councils which develop skills such as co- operation and communication and encourage them to take responsibility.
It contributes to achievement and attainment - young people involved in participative work benefit in a range of different ways. Increased confidence, self- respect, competence and an improved sense of responsibility have all been reported by young people who contribute in school. Schools also report increased motivation and engagement with learning
School Council at St John's
At the beginning of the year, each class voted for their school councillor. The elected school councillors meet weekly to plan events to improve school
School Council consist of a group of learners from Year 2 up to Year 6 who meet regularly to discuss our school and ways to make it a happier and better place to learn. Our plan for this year is to introduce a ‘Playground Pals’ scheme in KS2.
School Sports Leaders at St John's
The School Sports Leaders is made up of class representatives (Sports Leaders) from all Key Stage 2 classes. We meet once every half-term to discuss PE and sport related matters at St John's. Sports Leaders are elected by their classmates. They collate views and findings from their class and report back to the group at meetings.The SSL was set up in the Autumn term of 2018 and have played a role in the development of the PE inter-house system as well as the introduction of new school teams and clubs. The group hopes to develop further over the coming terms and years to meet the needs of pupils and enable all of our children to have a say in the organisation of PE and sport at our school.
Rights Respecting Schools Steering Group
The group is made up of children from Year 2 to Year 5. The group meet regularly to discuss ways to embed the ethos of Rights Respecting Schools and be recognised as a Rights Respecting School. The Rights Respecting Schools charter is based on the U.N. Convention of the Rights of a child which encourages schools to place the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of its ethos and curriculum.