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Geography at St John's



At St John's C of E Primary School, we believe Geography can inspire curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. We feel it is important to nurture their inquisitive thinking and questioning skills to help our learners interpret what they see.

Our Intent for Geography

Our Geography curriculum is designed to develop children’s curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Children investigate a range of places – both in Britain and abroad – to help develop their knowledge and understanding of the Earth’s physical and human processes. We are committed to providing children with opportunities to investigate and make enquiries about their local area of Brixton so that they can develop of real sense of who they are, their heritage and what makes our local area unique and special. We also developing the children’s ability to apply geographical skills to enable to confidently communicate their findings and geographical understanding to a range of audiences. Through high quality teaching, we develop the following essential characteristics of geographers:

  • an excellent knowledge of where places are and what they are like, both in Britain
    and the wider world;
  • an comprehensive understanding of the ways in which places are interdependent
    and interconnected;
  • an extensive base of geographical knowledge and vocabulary;
  • fluency in complex, geographical enquiry and the ability to apply questioning skills, as
    well as effective presentation techniques;
  • the ability to reach clear conclusions and explain their findings;
  • excellent fieldwork skills as well as other geographical aptitudes and techniques;
  • the ability to express well-balanced opinions, rooted in very good knowledge and understanding about current issues in society and the environment;
  • a genuine interest in the subject and a real sense of curiosity about the world and the
    people who live here.


Theological Underpinning:

Galatians 3, V28- 'For we are all one in Christ Jesus.'

How we Implement our Geography Curriculum

At St John's, we ensure that geography has the same importance given to it as the core
subjects, as we feel this is important in enabling all children to gain ‘real-life’ experiences.

This is experienced using the local area to follow maps in Key Stage 1, comparing the
similarities and differences in environments and communities in Lower Key Stage 2 and
through to debating world issues on pollution in Upper Key Stage 2. We are dedicated to
providing opportunities for fieldwork investigations to enable children to explore their
immediate and local environments. We are fortunate to be located near local libraries, the vibrant Brockwell Park as well as many other geographical areas of interest.
Teachers are also provided additional time to plan their curriculum. As part of this planning process, teachers need to plan the following:
  • a knowledge organiser which outlines knowledge (including vocabulary) all children
    must master and apply in lessons;
  • a cycle of lessons for each subject, which carefully plans for progression and depth
    concentrating on the geographical skills suited to the age group;
  • a low stakes quiz which is tested regularly to support learners’ ability to block
    learning and increase space in the working memory;
  • challenge questions for pupils to apply their learning in a philosophical/open manner;
    trips and visiting experts who will enhance the learning experience;
  • appropriate curriculum themed home learning tasks which children complete with
    adults at home;


Our Geography Curriculum

Click here to access the Whole School Geography Curriculum Overview

Skills Progression in Geography

Click here to access the Geography Progression of Skills and Knowledge Document 

Our Planned Impact

 Through our teaching of Geography, we aim to stimulate the children’s enthusiasm and curiosity about their surroundings and the wider world. This will enable them to be ready for the curriculum at Key Stage 3 and for life as an adult in the wider world. Through the teaching of Geography we hope to instil  a love for enquiry and investigation in our children. We aim to motivate our pupils to take an active part in contributing to and protecting this world as they grow up. We want the children to have thoroughly enjoyed learning about geography, therefore encouraging them to undertake new life experiences now and in the future.

Our Geography Curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression. If children are keeping up with the curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress. In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

  • a reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes;
  • a celebration of learning for each term which demonstrates progression across the