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Payment of meals, school trips and after-school clubs

School Dinners

The cost of a school meal (for those not in receipt of free school lunches) is  £2.60 per day, per pupil . This is £13.00 per full week. 

Meals MUST be paid in advance.  Alternative arrangements may be used if we find that your school dinner money account is in deficit.  If you find that you are experiencing difficulty, please speak to a member of the school admin team (Mrs Mpungi or Ms Henry).  We are here to help. We will ensure that you are signposted to support services. A repayment plan will be devised to get you back on track.  The school reserves the right to explore alternative arrangements if a parent refuses to engage or communicate when accounts have gone into arrears.

If you switch from school meals to packed lunch, you MUST inform the office in writing. The confirmation slip must be kept and will serve as proof that the change has officially taken place.  If the process is not carried out properly, you may be subjected to costs that were not planned for.  

Change Form: Packed Lunch to School Dinners

St John's Angell Town Church Of England Primary School - School Meal Arrangement Change Form (st-johns.lambeth.sch.uk)


Free School Meals

Thank you to all the parents/carers who have taken the time to complete the form.

If you have NOT previously completed the free schools meals application and previously received E-Vouchers during the half term, you will need to complete the free school meals application by midday (12 noon) Tuesday 16th October 2023.

If your details are not up to date you will lose eligibility, which means you will not receive E-Vouchers and may be changed for school meals when the London Mayor's free school meal proposal Free School Meals (FSM) ends.

If your child is eligible to get free school meals and you receive any of the following:

Income Support
Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
The guaranteed element of Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)

Please use the below link to complete our online free school meal application form if you are entitled to any of the above.





After School Clubs

Registration and sign-up to after-school clubs is through our Arbor online platform.  Places are allocated using an allocation system.  Sign-up to clubs is usually half- termly.

For clubs provided by our external partner, Premier Sports, sign-up is directly via the Premier Sports Website.

Educational Visits

Educational visits are paid through Arbor. Dates, times and trip details can all be found in one convenient place.  The school heavily subsidises school trips in order to make them as cheap as possible.  Many of our trips are free but from time to time we may need a contribution from parents to make the trip viable.


Breakfast Club and After School Wrap-Around Care.

This is provided by our external partner, Xcite.

Sign up for this service is via the Xcite platform






St. John's is a cashless school.  This means that all school meals, trips etc. be paid for by Arbor using the online portal.  Please use the following link to access or register your account.  A member of the school admin team will always be happy to help you, should you experience any difficulties with setting up or accessing your account 




Arbor – On-line account set up

  • Create a Hotmail or Microsoft email account (if you have not already got one)
  • Create an account on Arbor 
  • Combine your children’s accounts into one (if applicable)