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Family and Friends of St John’s

Family and Friends of St John's is a group run by parents and staff of St John's Angell Town School. Family and Friends of St John's are very important to the school.  Parents and staff volunteer their services, experience and time to raise money for resources for the school. 

As your child joins the school, their family and friends are automatically thought of as a member of the St John's Family and Friends group. 

The aim of the group is to raise money for the school and to arrange fun social events for adults and children. The group has a tradition of organising innovative and exciting opportunities for all the family.

As the Family and Friends of St John's group is a registered charity, it has to have an annually elected committee (drawn from parent volunteers) which is generally made up of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. In addition, we are looking for parent volunteers to be Class Reps, who can assist the committee with other jobs such as publicity materials, updating website pages, artwork, event planning, communications, design and sponsorship.

We generally hold a group meeting once a term, and small working groups organise each event - everyone helps in any way they can.

Our main fundraising events of the year are the Christmas and Summer Fairs. Other events include Themed Breakfast Mornings, Film Nights, Discos, and regular cake sales.

If you have an idea for an event you would like to organise, please get in touch with us either in the playground, via the PTFA email or through the PTFA mailbox in the school reception.

Without the money raised by our events, the above projects and activities would not be possible.

So if you would like to help give the school better facilities and ensure our children have lots of extra-curricular activities, come along and join us at any of the events below:


Planned activity/meetings for 2021-2022 Academic Year

22 October 2021: International Day - Black History Month Celebrations

04 March 2022: Cake Sale 3:15 - 4:00pm

25 March 2022: Mother's Day Breakfast

17 June 2022: Father's Day Breakfast

08 July 2022: Summer Fair 


We are welcome to new, fresh ideas and lots of fun! Whatever skills you can offer or time you can give to make a difference to our school, we are all very grateful.

We are looking for volunteers to make up the group/committee and/or help at events (specifically with catering, purchasing supplies, refreshments, marketing and fundraising, technical and props). 

Note: We will update new dates from September 2022.