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During St John's most recent Ofsted inspection in November 2024, we were judged to be a "Good School"

The curriculum is well sequenced and ambitious from early years


Pupils develop broad knowledge and apply it well


Teachers make adaptations to teaching resources



The school effectively identifies and supports the needs and/or disabilities (SEND)


Please click here to see latest full Ofsted report

SIAMS Inspection

On 17th March 2017 we received a visit from an inspector. He looked at the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist School's inspection framework and grade descriptors.

The inspector, Mr Shaun Burns , spent the whole day speaking to the school's leaders, staff, parents, learners, the RE Subject Leader and governors. Evidence was gathered from Collective Worship, a Learning Walk, pupil and parent voice, interviews with governors, support staff, teachers and the RE Subject Leader. 

They  focused on:

  • the distinctiveness and effectiveness of St. John's as a Church of England school 
  • the school, through its distinctive Christian character, meeting the needs of all learners 
  • the impact of Collective Worship on the school community 
  • the effectiveness of the leadership and management of the school as a church school

All areas were judged to be 'outstanding'.

We are all very thankful that the work we do for our learners and our  St John's family is outstanding and are blessed that we have such a hardworking and passionate team that inspire children to achieve very high results whilst bringing joy to the lives of others. 

Although judged to be 'outstanding' there is always more to do! We are all on a journey and will now support others in our church school community to provide high challenge, strong support and deep partnership through ambitious collaboration. 


Please click here to see:

  • Click here for School Performance Tables