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Current Governors Priorities

Data analysis

  • Governors have received training in Monitoring and Evaluation, Closing the Gap, Understanding School Data and the Fisher Family Trust Dashboard.

 Data is made available to governors through termly meetings with verbal and written presentations followed by question and answer sessions with members of the senior management team thus the governors are able to benchmark data against the Local Authority and schools nationally to ensure the schools standards and expectations are high and are able to be closely scrutinised.

  • Particular scrutiny is placed on pupil progress across all ability groups including vulnerable groups and on the effective use of the Pupil Premium.


  • Governors review all relevant policies on a programmed basis to ensure that all guidance is current and up to date.

 Specific attention is paid to ensure that the school complies with the Department of Education mandatory policy list and the Local Authority recommended list.

Impact Statement


 The governing body and senior management team are constantly striving to improve and develop the school.

 Ongoing and future areas for targeting will include:

 Driving up educational standards

  • All governors will take responsibility for driving up the educational standards of the school, individually and collectively through attending all governor meetings and sub- committees and hold accountable the SLT by purposeful and challenging questions, to ensure the best possible outcomes for all children attending the school.

Examples of questions posed by our governors

What impact have the Pupil Progress booklets had?

How can the performance of learners be improved in tests?

Are learners taking more pride in their work?

Are there more opportunities for maths investigations?

H ow often  do teachers look at each other’s books?

How have you improved teaching?

How did you carry out the monitoring of ‘challenge’?

How is the assessment  of subjects carried out?

What is being done to support  able Maths pupils?

What are your expectations for Early Years – to be at the national level?

Are girls underperforming?

Is there an issue with summer born children? What is done to help them?

Are the criteria for Pupil Premium changing?


  Ensure continued improvement in pupil progress and attainment across all ability groups including vulnerable groups.

 Improving financial performance

Governors will ensure the school is accountable for its financial performance, through termly reports to the full governor meetings via the finance sub-committee and take appropriate action as necessary.

People with the right skills, experience, qualities and capacity

  • Full governing body, with a broad range of skills set
  • All governors to have completed the training
  • All governors to share their CPD experience and inform the governing body and school as a whole