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School Lunches at St John's

Pupils can choose to have a cooked lunch or they can bring a healthy packed lunch.

ISS are the catering company that manage and prepare our school meals on site at St John's each day.

Pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to Universal Free School Meals (UFSM). 

Pupils whose parents are entitled to certain benefits may be entitled to Free School Meals (FSM). 

Pupils in Years Nursery, 3, 4, 5 & 6, who are not entitled to free school meals, will need to pay for any school meals ordered at £2.60 per meal.  Meals must be paid in advance either weekly, monthly or half termly.

Hot meals are served for every year group in our dining room.

Key information:

  • We will be providing a streamlined menu 
  • Lunchtimes will be staggered
  • Children will eat together in their year group bubbles
  • Tables will be disinfected between year group sittings


Please click the link below to see our current lunch menu



The school receives funding called Pupil Premium, for pupils who are currently entitled to FSM or have been entitled to FSM in the past 6 years. This funding allows the school to pay extra resources like extra teaching staff.

It is important that you inform the school if your child has food allergies, has difficulties eating food or does not eat certain foods.