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Our Curriculum

St. John's is committed to the Church of England Vision for Education ‘Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good’, which calls us to:

  • Educate for Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills
  • Educate for Hope and Aspiration
  • Educate for Community and Living Well Together
  • Educate for Dignity and Respect

At St. John’s, we believe that each child is a unique gift from God:

“Every good gift and every perfect present comes from heaven; it comes down from God” (James 1:17)

Regardless of starting point and context, we believe that every child is unique and that our curriculum provides each learner with the opportunity to grow spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. Our curriculum pedagogy is underpinned by our Characteristics of Learning and our curriculum drivers of Spirituality, Possibilities, Challenge and Community, together with our work as a Rights Respecting School.

The curriculum is structured in a way which gives clear purpose, be contextual, relevant and allows for quality outcomes. The holistic approach will allow for individual growth at all levels. We are ambitious for all of our pupils and have shaped a curriculum which enables our learners to:

  • Improve their life chances, regardless of start point
  • Release and realise their potential and be able to demonstrate it to others
  • Feel fulfilled and have a sense of self worth
  • Give them transferable skills for future employment and living
  • Build strong relationships and be relational in their encounters
  • Realise that learning continues and has no boundaries
  • Be exposed to a range of opportunities and experiences
  • Navigate future change in society and the evolution of technology
  • Inspire and support others
  • Be aspirational, enjoyable and experiential
  • Develop thoughtful perspectives on the world, through which they can pursue wisdom and join in the conversation “What is it to be human?”
  • Participate in great intellectual adventures and a quest for wisdom – be memorable

  At St. John's, we have a strong emphasis on community and learning together and believe that our Christian values play an integral role in helping to shape our vision. We want our children to take advantage of our local resources, such as London and through our school , the Brixton Learning Collaborative (BLC) to benefit their learning. We also want our children to be aware of their local community, the diversity that exists within it and discover how they can play an increasing role within this larger ‘family’.

How we Implement our Curriculum

Aspects of the curriculum reflect a pedagogical approach that actively plans to enable pupils to reflect and explore the spiritual and ethical dimensions of all subjects as well as ensuring the rounded development of the whole child academically and personally. It is presented in such a way that the teaching and learning of knowledge are joined by the nurturing of experience and judgement.

In order for this to be achieved, St. John's recognises that every Church school is unique with regard to its location, community, size and resource. Our curriculum is shaped, defined and delivered is determined by:

  • Statutory requirements
  • The RE Statement of entitlement
  • School structure and organisation
  • Individual subjects taught and the interrelationship between these
  • Experiences and opportunities beyond the taught day
  • The needs of the learners and the community
  • Resource and provision available
  • Specialism
  • Schemes of work
  • Assessment opportunities
  • Visits and experiences/docs/Policies


If you would like to find out more information about our school curriculum please  book an appointment to see a member of school leadership either via telephone or via our contact email address. 


Curriculum Guide for Parents and Carers


kapow primary curriculum guide.pdf